The (More Than) Complete Cast of CVRPG
Heroes, Villains, Low-lives, and Agents of Leisure

Igor Igorovich
Although often attributed as a whole clan of hunchbacks named "Igor", the name itself is specific to one man -- all other beings in the clan are simply fleamen without a common shared name. There is only one Igor, just as there is only one Ringo or Cher (two other fleamen of moderate fame and skill).
What is common among all the fleamen, Igor included, is that they love to serve the dark masters. Evil scientists, genetic mutants, insane wizards, and of course dark vampires have all, from time to time, employed fleamen as their servants and lab assistants. But above them all, rising from the rabble of random leaping, clawing, pouncing fleamen there comes one great servant, better at being a toady, more earnest in their love of cobwebs -- Igor.
Born to humble beginnings (because he is a fleaman), Igor spent his formative years in a dungeon. A literal dungeon, since his parents were servants to a mad scientist and he wanted his dungeon clean and tidy. Igor learned the servant craft in this years -- how to hang cobwebs, how to distribute dust, how to get the blood out of cobblestones, how to put out the fires started by townsfolk before they destroy the tapestries. These are vitals skills for anyone, fleaman or butler alike, and Igor took to them with vigor.
Tragically, Igor has never been able to hold down a job for very long, although this is through no fault of his own. When you work for evil madmen, your job has a life as long as your boss's, ad they aren't destined to remain on this mortal coil for long.
Although between jobs right now, Igor has printed copies of his resume, CV, and references if there are any interested employers.
Personality Details:
As a servant, Igor lives for nothing more than a lab to tidy and a dungeon to call home. Although he could work for anyone, Igor is used to the life of a servant to the exceedingly evil -- it's not that the pay is better, but there are certain creature comforts (like a Creature in the cellar) that you just can't find in the more respectable establishments.
For those interested, Igor knows how to create sever types of liquors, the intricate processes of mummification, wiring for lightning experiments, and he can cross-stitch. Only insane madmen need apply.

First Appearance: #23: What a Big Desert You Have
Last Appearance: #7: CVRPG IV